Does your dog leave meals untouched or barely sniffed at? If this behavior is something new, you’ll want to talk with your vet to rule out a health issue causing the change in eating patterns. But if the behavior is common for your dog, you may have a picky eater on your hands. Picky eating is a problem because dogs …
5 Reasons to Help Your Dog Lose Weight
Is your dog overweight? It’s easy to brush this question off, but pet obesity is surprisingly common—and it’s a real problem. To maintain optimum weight, dogs should get regular exercise and eat the right amount of quality, well-balanced food. If you’re not convinced your dog needs a change, consider these reasons to focus on dog weight loss: Fewer Joint Problems …
Rainy Day? 5 Ways to Exercise Your Dog
Have you ever skipped a run because it was raining? That might work for you, but your dog still needs exercise every day. Dogs who don’t get enough active stimulation are more likely to engage in problem behaviors like digging, chewing, and barking or whining. No matter the weather, your dog has energy to burn. Here are a few ways …